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    BNU.COM is approximately  11K  in size.  It is made up of the
    following main parts:

    Description           Size  Used by
    ISR Device Driver     0.5K  Common 4 ports   Yes
    INT 14H Despatcher    4.5K  Common 4 ports   Yes
    Diagnostics Model     1.0K  Common 4 ports   Optional
    Initialisation/Setup  1.0K  Run time only    Discarded
    Command line utility  4.0K  Run time only    Discarded

    What eventually remains resident  depends  upon  what command
    line options are used.  Initial overhead is about  5K for the
    ISR and despatcher.   If  diagnostics are used (rarely), then
    add 1K. Add to this, the sum  of  the  transmit  and  receive
    buffers times the number of communications ports selected.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson